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Government Of Assam INDIGENOUS AND TRIBAL FAITH AND CULTURE Directorate of Museum

Library and Publication

Ananda Chandra Agarwala Library of the Directorate of Museums, Assam was established in 1984. It is a reference Library. More than 7000 books are in this library. Books are divided as follows: a) Museology (b) Archaeology (c) History (d) Literature (e) Geography (f) Biography (g) Art (h) Religion (i) Sociology (j) Journals (k) Numismatic.

Other books that are available includes, Catalogue of Stone Sculptures, Manuscript paintings, Catalogue of Mediaeval Coins, Asomor Sanskritik Sampador Sochinta puthi, Anadi Patana- an illustrated manuscript released by Kumar Sanjay Krishna, IAS, the then Principal Secretary, Govt. of Assam. List of some of the books are given below-

1.Ancient Treasures of Assam,48 Pages,
    Revised edition, Edited by M.C. Das, 1984, Rs. 6.00 (out of print)

2.Archaeological heritage of Assam, 16 pages, 1976, Rs. 1.00

3.The Hand Book of The Assam State Museum, 12 pages
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1959

4.Sangrahalaybigyanar Eti Chamutoka, (Assamese), 41 pages
    By Girish Ch. Lahkar, 1974, Rs. 2.00 (Out of print)

5.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. I to III,
    Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, (Out of print)

6.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. IV, 74 Pages,
    Edited By Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1982, Rs. 5.00

7.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. V, 64 Pages,
    Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1985, Rs. 1.00

8.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum, Vol. VI, 124 pages,
    Edited By Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1985, Rs. 6.00

9.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum, Vol. VII, 86 Pages,
    Edited By Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1985, Rs. 6.00

10.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. VIII, 150 Pages,
    Edited By Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1986, Rs. 6.00

11.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. IX, 95 Pages,
    Edited By Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1986, Rs. 6.00

12.A source book of the Numismatic studies in North East India,Vol. IX, 95 Pages,
    Vol. I, 207 pages, compiled by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1986, Rs. 100.00

13.A source book of the Numismatic studies in North East India, Vol. IX, 95 Pages,
    Vol. II, 152 pages, compiled by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1987, Rs. 100.00

14.We Commemorate Them, 41 pages, Vol. IX, 95 Pages,
    Compiled by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1987, Rs. 6.00 (out of print)

15.The Sculptures of Assam, 20 pages,
    Illustrated, by Dr. R. D. Choudhury, 1987, Rs. 60.00

16.Catalogue of the Inscriptions in the Assam State Museum,46 pages,
    Illustrated, by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1987, Rs. 60.00

17.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. X, 56 pages,
    Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1988, Rs. 10.00

18.Asamar Puratattiwik Charchar Agragati,
    Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1988, Rs. 40.00 (out of print)

19.Catalogue of Metal Sculptures in the Assam State Museum, 30 pages,
    Illustrated, by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1988, Rs. 60.00 (out of print)

20.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. XI, 78 pages,
    Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1989, Rs. 10.00

21.Fifty years of Assam State Museum, , 60 pages, 1990
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury, Rs. 50.00 (out of print)

22.Asomar Durdashagrasta Satra Sangrakhyan (Assamese)), 59 pages,
    Edited by Sri Sibananda Sarma, 1990, Rs. 30.00 (out of print)

23.Asomar Durdashagrasta Satra Samuh: Panchsa Basaria Oitihyar Sankat (Assamese)
    , 72 pages, edited by Sri Sibananda Sarma, 1990, Rs. 20.00 (out of print)

24.Bulletin of Assam State Museum (Golden Jubilee number)),Vol. XII,
    140 pages, Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1991, Rs. 20.00

25.Catalogue of District Museum, Halflong, 16 pages,
    Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury & H. Haloi, 1992, Rs. 15.00

26.Catalogue of District Museum, Tezpur, 49 pages
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury & Dr. S. Ahmed, 1992, Rs. 20.00

27.Catalogue of District Museum, Diphu, 57 pages
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury & N. Anam, 1992, Rs. 20.00

28.Catalogue of District Museum, Kokrajhar, 31 pages
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury & Sri Sibananda Sarma, 1992, Rs. 20.00

29.Catalogue of Sub-Divisional Museum, Hamren, 41 pages
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury & Ms. Pranoti Barman, 1992, Rs. 20.00

30.Catalogue of District Museum, Barpeta, 48 pages
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury & Sri Nipendra Nath Roy, 1993, Rs. 20.00

31.Catalogue of District Museum, Dhubri, 18 pages
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury & Ms. Kabita Devi, 1994, Rs. 20.00

32.Bulletin of Assam State Museum, , Vol. XIII, 96 pages,
    Edited by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1994, Rs. 20.00

33.Catalogue of Stone Sculptures of the Assam State Museum, 86 pages,
    Illustrated, by Dr. R.D. Choudhury, 1998, Rs. 200.00

34.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum, Vol. XIV, 68 pages,
    Edited by Samiran Boruah, 1998, Rs. 20.00/p>

35.Satra Samraksan, 143 pages, Edited by Dr. Ramcharan Thakuria,
    1998, Rs. 30.00 (out of print)

36.Catalogue of District Museum, Mangaldoi,
    By Dr. R.D. Choudhury & Sri Sunil Kr. Goswami, 1998, Rs. 20.00

37.Manuscript paintings, 129 pages,
    Illustrated, by Dr. R.D. Choudhury & Choodamani Nandagopal, 1998, Rs. 300.00(out of print)

38.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum, Vol.XV, 71 pages,
    Edited by Sri R.C. Das, 2000, Rs. 20.00

39.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum, Vol.XVI, 64 pages,
    Edited by Sri R.C. Das, 2001, Rs. 100.00

40.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. XVII,
    Edited by Dr. Sarharuddin Ahmed, 2006, Rs. 100.00

41.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. XVIII,
    Edited by Dr. Sarharuddin Ahmed, 2008, Rs. 100.00

42.Catalogue of Medieval Coins in Assam State Museum
    by Danish Moin, 2010,Rs. 600.00

43.Bulletin of the Assam State Museum Vol. XIX,
    Edited by Sri Y.S. Wunglengton, 2012, Rs. 100.00

44.Asomor Sanskritik Sompodor Sachitra Puthi,
    Edited by Sri Y.S. Wunglengton, 2013, Rs. 200.00

45.An illustrated Anadipatan,
    Edited by Dr. Naren Kalita, 2013, Rs. 2,500.00 (after 10% discount- Rs. 2,250.00)

46.Picture Post Card, Rs. 5.00

47.Replica (Vishnu, Buddha, Manasha, Mahishamardini {Durga}, Vishnu {Matswavatara}), Rs. 100.00/50.00

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Library and Publication